Music is all around us, coming through our headphones as we work on our latest project,  on the car stereo as we drive home from the office, and throughout our homes, as we cook dinner for our families.

It’s no secret; music makes our good days better, and it carries us through the bad days. Music offers an opportunity for so much more, a metamorphosis in the lives of people facing serious challenges that impact their lives – feelings like grief, guilt, sorrow and conditions like PTSD, anxiety and depression.

Bill Protzmann calls this transformational power Musimorphic, where people use the harmony, melody, and lyrics of a song as a guided springboard for self-care.

Tune in and discover Bill’s answers to questions such as:

  • What are “conscious” people missing most right now?
  • What practical aspects of spirituality can we deploy?
  • How would we do that, both individually and at scale?
  • Where can I learn more?
  • And much, much more!

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About the Author: Bill Protzmann

Bill Protzmann’s mission is to raise awareness of the power of music as self-care. He is the world’s leading expert on the power of music for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, holds magna cum laude degrees in piano performance and creative writing, and has been a successful entrepreneur for more than 30 years. In 2011, Bill launched Music Care Inc, a for-purpose corporation to teach and advocate for practical ways music can be used for your self-care. In 2014 he was recognized by the National Council for Mental Wellness with an Award of Excellence – the industry equivalent of winning an Oscar.

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